
Wednesday 16 August 2017

Picture book story...

Walt: write for a younger audience. 

Image result for Space

Venice went around the world to find the planet that was right for her. Walking to the spaceship Venice wanted to explore the Galaxy up in space. Venice was so excited. It was time.

Counting down from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF! Reaching for the stars Venice looks all around space. She see’s Planets, Moons & a lot of Stars. Venice was totally surprised. Venice goes all around Space to find out more information about each Planet.

Mercury. Mercury is the first planet from the sun. Mercury speeds around the sun every 88 days. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. This planet isn’t right for me that is why I am going to the next planet.

Venus. Venus is the second planet from the sun, Venus is Earth’s twin. Venus is so bright because it is covered with clouds & it reflects the incoming Sun. Venus is the same size as Earth, It is also a very hot planet. This planet isn’t right for me that is why I am going to the next planet.

I am back to where I blasted off I am just going to have a rest from the big adventure I had in space.………. 5 minutes later. I am now ready to explore the planets again. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. BLAST OFF!!!

Mars. Mars is the 4th planet from the sun. The air on Mars is 100 times thinner than on Earth. Mars has got desserts & Ice It has also got 2 moons. Mars can be quite warm & it’s normal temperature is 63 degrees. This planet isn’t right for me that is why I am going to the next planet.

Jupiter. Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun, Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. It is five times as far from the sun as the Earth. Jupiter is a giant ball filled with gas, It also has no solid surface. This planet isn’t right for me that is why I am going to the next planet.

Uranus. Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun. Uranus is the only planet that spins & lays on it’s side. Uranus is known to have 27 Moons but none of them are very big. Uranus has a lighter blue than Neptune. Did you know that a day on Uranus is 17 hours & 14 minutes. This planet isn’t right for me that is why I am going to the next planet.

Neptune. Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun. Neptune has at least 5 very dark & narrow rings. Neptune was known to have 13 moons. Neptune has many active ice volcanoes that spurt plumes of gas and dust. Neptune has a thin atmosphere has frozen onto the surface. This planet isn’t right for me that is why I am going to the next planet.

“Don’t you think we should return to Earth”. Why? “ Well one reason is because I really miss seeing my family & friends as well as learning important things at School that us people should learn”. “I really miss having to play on the park & singing, “Says Venice!. Alright then it’s your choice we’re returning to Earth". Friends, Family & Teachers here we come! So we ate & played all day long, There was nothing more fun than doing this, It was the best time ever! We are so not leaving Earth ever again.

Task Description:

For this task we had to write a narrative story for younger kids in year 1. I had to write facts or information about each planet & the person I chose to do for my story was Venice. If there is kids that are year 1's than this is a story that is right for you. We will all be putted into 2 groups & will be going from there. I hope year 1's enjoy, & hope to see you blogging like this when you get older.

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